High Risk Population Rate
This is the age-specific percentage of the population that has a high risk of getting clinically-ill because of host factors such as age, pre-existing medical conditions, etc. Default values are based on the study of Meltzer et. al. [1].
Death Rate
This is the age-specific and risk-specific percentage of the "clinically-ill" population that will die due to the epidemic. Default values are based on the study of Meltzer et. al. [1], where the death rates per clinically-ill population are calculated using death rates per (1000) general population divided by 1000 given by Equation 1.
Death Rate per Clinically-ill Population = (Death Rate per Thousand General Population)/(Conversion Factor)*10^-3 (1)
If you are not sure how to deal with "per 1000 population," check out this article. The user can define the range of projections by changing the values for "Minimum" and "Maximum" scenarios. The actual projection is based on the values of the "Most Likely" scenario.
Hospitalization Rate
This is the age-specific and risk-specific percentage of the "clinically-ill" population that will be hospitalized due to the epidemic. Default values are based on the study of Meltzer et. al. [1]. The user can define the range of projections by changing the values for "Minimum" and "Maximum" scenarios. The actual projection is based on the values of the "Most Likely" scenario.
[1] M. I. Meltzer, N. J. Cox, and K. Fukuda, “The Economic Impact of Influenza Pandemic in the United States: Priorities for Intervention.” Emerg Infect Dis. 1999, vol. 5:659-7